One of at least 31 Wineries in the Woodinville Wine Country, Washington State, this Winery was a pleasant surprise to discover. While visiting Seattle, we stopped to taste bottles blends of grapes from Yakima Valley , Columbia Valley Appelation, and Walla Walla Valley Wine Regions at three additional wineries.
The hospitality offered by the owner of this Winery has been unparalleled so far. Below is a photo of him.
The tasting room at the Washington Wine Company just opened in September of 2007. A large quantity of their Forbidden Red bottles are sold to Wal Mart. The ones at the tasting room are the best. The friends we made there, shared their secrets on how to get the sound of my iphone to sound loud, like an ordinary cell phone.
The best gesture of hospitality: getting to taste the wine still in the barrels from the 2007 harvest. The owner invited us to taste five different wines that have been made following his son’s recipes. We are looking forward to ordering them, the 2008’s later this year, based on the richness of flavor we tasted from the barrel samples.