receta de Lionadel restaurante en The Assemblage Hotel Wall Street, New York. LaFritatta de Garbanzos es una de sus creaciones para un desayuno tipo Ayurvedic.
Vegetable Fritatta

Las recetas favoritas de mi familia
receta de Lionadel restaurante en The Assemblage Hotel Wall Street, New York. LaFritatta de Garbanzos es una de sus creaciones para un desayuno tipo Ayurvedic.
Recipe shared by Doug and DorcasPrepared for Sheyli Linton’s Bridal Shower at Casa Arjay in 2001 Makes 8 Cooking Tip: The goal here is to …
Receta de Bruce INGREDIENTS 1 lb of Italian sausage1/3 lb. of mushrooms, sliced2 cloves of garlic14 cup of sherry, madeira or white wine14 tsp. of …
Recipe by Dora – La Cucina Vegana INGREDIENTS FOR THE SEASONING: 1/2 cup nutritional yeast1/2 tsp. sea salt1/4 tsp. ginger1/4 tsp. turmeric1/2 tsp. black pepper1/2 …
Recipe by: Patty Vernon INGREDIENTS 3 packages chocolate mousse mix12 oz Cool WhipHeath bars, chopped (or use the toffee chips found in the baking section) …
Recipe courtesy Paula Deen Time:15 minInactive Prep Time: — Cook Time:45 minServes: 8 servings INGREDIENTS 6 large eggs, beaten1 1/2 cups heavy creamSalt and pepper2 …
Receta de Martha Ferrara
Receta de Teresa Normanlasagna-4-cheeses-teresa-norman
Receta de Teresa Normanempanadas-argentinas-teresa-norman
Receta de Yendris Patterson INGREDIENTES 10 hojas de menta fresca, como mínimo.1 o 2 cucharaditas de Azúcar negra de preferencia aunque tambien se puede usar …