6 Thinly sliced top round or eye round steaks
Bread Crumbs
1 tbsp. parmesan cheese
2 eggs
salt and pepper
vegetable oil
paper towels
Crack the 2 eggs into a deep dish and add one tablespoon of parmesan cheese. Using a fork, stir the eggs with the cheese, salt and pepper until mixed well.
Coat the steaks with the cheese and egg mix, one at a time.
Using another dish, coat the egg covered steaks with the bread crumbs on both sides. Set them aside on a third dish.
Heat the oil in a skillet at medium to high heat, just as you do for making french fries. You can tell that the oil is hot enough when a drop of water dropped in the oil, sizzles.
Place the steaks (one at a time) in the hot oil, to quick fry then flip it so that the crumbs on the other side cook til golden brown.
When both sides of the steak are golden brown, remove the steak from the skillet and set aside on a dish that is covered with two layers of paper towels. Then cover the steak with more paper towels to blot out the excess cooking oil.
Move the steak to a serving dish. Repeat for all six steaks. Garnish with lemon slices.
Serve with french fries.
Left over milanesas are also great tasting the next day. You can even enjoy them cold, cut up in strips.
Bon Apetit